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Offered by the Department of Statistics

Apply for MSc in Applied Statistics

Statistics is the science of collecting, organizing, analyzing and interpreting data. Concisely, it is the science of learning from data. Applied statistics utilizes mathematical concepts and methods to design and analyze scientific experiments, surveys and samples, clinical trials, market research, environmental and climate studies, and big data systems of businesses. It applies graphical and numerical techniques to explore data and probabilistic models for in depth analysis and predictions. Applied Statistics is the scientific basis for successful data driven decision making and problem solving processes in business, engineering, medicine, agriculture, economics, and many other industries.

The aim of this degree program is to produce high quality professional statisticians with the essential skills and knowledge: design and analyze scientific experiments, surveys and sampling, and clinical trials; data visualization; statistical modeling. These statisticians will apply the skills and knowledge gained through the program in their institutes for successful data driven decision making and problem solving. Moreover, they would be able to train staff in their institutes, and even lead to entrepreneurships. Hence, this will promote data driven decision making and scientific problem solving culture in the country and will improve the productivity and efficiency in both public and private sectors.

Pre-registration form

Important Dates

Call for Applications – Closed for 2025 batch and dates will be notified soon for the next intake.


A Bachelor’s Degree in Science from a UGC recognized university or any other equivalent qualification acceptable to the Senate of the University of Colombo. The candidates will be selected based on academic merits and/or a screening test, followed by an interview.

Program Fees:

MSc in Applied Statistics (Part I and Part II)* 

Sri Lankans - LKR 350,000/-
Foreigners - US $ 4,000

*Payable at the initial registration.

Apart from the Course Fee, the following shall be paid when applying and at the initial registration:
Application fee – Rs. 2,500/-

**Please note that fees paid are not refundable and can be subjected to revisions from time to time.

Bank loan schemes can be arranged upon request

Target groups of the program

  • Graduates who are planning to pursue MPhil/PhD in Statistics or related fields.
  • Researchers, scientists, executive officers, and educators in public and private sectors who need knowledge in Statistics and advanced data analytical skills.
  • Graduates employed in public and private sectors who need to switch their careers to data analytics or other related fields.
  • Qualified entrepreneurs and enthusiasts with an interest in Statistics and related fields.

Course Schedule / Facilities

Mode of conducting the lectures will depend on the situation of the country

Programme Structure and Duration

  • The duration of Parts I and II of the MSc program is 24 months while that of Part III is of a further 12 months.
  • Students registered for part II should complete it within 6 months.
  • The maximum period allowed to complete the degree is five (05) years from the date of first registration.
  • Students who fail to complete Part I and Part II within 3 years from the first registration will not be allowed to register for Part III.

Objectives of the program

  • To enhance statistics knowledge, data analytical skills, research skills and other necessary skills of graduates who are planning to pursue higher degrees and to provide a postgraduate qualification for them.
  • To produce high quality statisticians who are employable as professionals or to be entrepreneurs.
  • To enhance employment opportunities for graduates from other disciplines
  • To promote data driven decision making culture in the country by producing skillful statisticians.

The Program

The MSc in Applied Statistics consists of course modules including theory, practical sessions, a guided independent study, and a guided research project. Theory modules will be conducted in a blended learning mode with online and face-to-face lectures. For a theory module, fifteen direct teaching hours (50 notional hours) of instruction is equivalent to one academic credit and in a practical module thirty hours of work (50 notional hours) is equivalent to one academic credit. The course structure has been revised according to the Master of Science By-Laws No. 8 of 2021 of Faculty of Science, and the guidelines issued by the Sri Lanka Qualifications Framework (SLQF 2015) to fulfill the criteria of Postgraduate Diploma / Master’s Degree programs at SLQF levels 8, 9 & 10.

Part I: Coursework (25 credits)

  • Part I consists of theory modules, practical modules, and group projects comprising a total of 25 credits and is equivalent to Level 8 of the SLQF.
  • A student who obtains a GPA of 2.70 or above for Part I may be eligible for the award of the Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Statistics, upon request, provided the student fulfils other requirements as prescribed by the By-Laws and Rules and Regulations of the University of Colombo.
  • Successful completion of Part I with a minimum GPA of 3.00 is required to proceed to Part II.

Part II: Independent Study (5 credits)

  • Part II consists of a guided mini research project of 5 credits. Students undertaking the mini research project are required to carry out the research work under a supervisor/s assigned by the Department.
  • Prior to the commencement of the mini research project, the student should submit and present the proposal to a panel of academics in the Department and acquire the approval.
  • Students should complete Part II within 6 months.
  • Parts I and II contain a minimum of 30 academic credits equivalent to Level 9 of the SLQF.
  • A student who obtains a GPA of 3.00 or above for Part II may be eligible for the award of the Degree of Master of Science in Applied Statistics, upon request, provided the student fulfils other requirements as prescribed by the By-Laws and Rules and Regulations of the University of Colombo.
  • A student who fails to achieve a GPA of 3.00 or above for Part II may be eligible to be awarded the Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Statistics, upon request, provided the student fulfils other requirements as prescribed by these By-Laws and Rules and Regulations of the University of Colombo.
  • To proceed to Part III a student should achieve a GPA of 3.00 for Part II and complete part I and II within three years from the date of registration.

Part III: Individual Project (30 credits)

  • Part III consists of an individual research project of 30 academic credits which should be carried out under the supervision of a qualified supervisor/s. The title of the research project and the supervisor/s should be recommended and approved by the relevant authorities as stipulated by the By-Laws, prior to commencement of research.
  • Students who obtain a GPA of 3.00 or above for Part III of the program may be eligible for the award of the Degree of Master of Science (Research) in Applied Statistics, provided the students fulfil other requirements as prescribed by the By-Laws and Rules and Regulations of the University of Colombo.
  • Parts I, II and III together containing a minimum of 60 academic credits is equivalent to Level 10 of the SLQF.
  • A student who fails to achieve a GPA of 3.00 or above for Part III may be eligible to be awarded the Degree of Master of Science in Applied Statistics, upon request, provided the student fulfils other requirements as prescribed by these By-Laws and Rules and Regulations of the University of Colombo.
  • Students who wish to proceed to Part III should make an additional payment of Rs. 125,000/- (subject to change) at the time of enrolment for Part III.

Course Modules

Semester I

Course Code Name Hours/ Credits
MAS 5110 Probability and Distributions 30L, 2C
MAS 5111 Statistical Methods 30L, 2C
MAS 5112 Exploratory Data Analysis 15L, 30P, 2C
MAS 5113 Surveys and Sampling 30L, 2C
MAS 5114 Computer Intensive Methods  15L, 30P, 2C

Semester II

Course Code Name Credits
MAS 5210 Experimental Design 30L, 2C
MAS 5211 Applied Statistical Models 30L, 2C
MAS 5212 Applied Time Series 30L, 2C
MAS 5213 Multivariate Methods 30L, 2C

Semester III

Course Code Name Credits
MAS 5310 Operational Research and Quality Control 30L, 2C
MAS 5311 Medical Statistics 30L, 2C
MAS 5312 Statistical Machine Learning  15L, 30L, 2C
MAS 5313 Group Project 30L, 1C

Part I : Total Credits – 25
Part I: PG Diploma in Applied Statistics (SLQF 8) -25

Semester IV

Course Code Name Credits
MAS 5410 Independent Study 150P, 5C

Part II : Total Credits – 5
Part I + Part II: MSc in Applied Statistics (SLQF 9) – 30

Semester V

Course Code Name Credits
MAS 5510 Individual Project 1 Year, 30C

Part III : Total Credits – 30
Part I+ Part II+ Part III: MSc (Res) in Applied Statistics (SLQF 10) – 60


  • All the theory modules will be evaluated through written examinations and/or continuous assessments.
  • Practical modules will be evaluated through practical assessments and/or continuous assessments and/or presentations and/or viva examinations.
  • Independent Study will be evaluated through a written research proposal, a written report, a presentation, and a viva examination.
  • The Individual Research Project will be evaluated through a written research proposal, a dissertation, a presentation, a viva examination, and a manuscript.

Medium of instructions

The medium of instructions and that of assessments/examinations shall be English, and the medium of communication shall also be English.

Further Information

Further information regarding the MSc Programme can be obtained by contacting the programme coordinator.

Intake Coordinator Email Contact
2023 Dr. Gayan Dharmarathne (+94) 718328400
2024 Dr Imali Jayamanne (+11) 25901111
2025 Dr. Hasani Karunarathna (+94) 706646522