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Offered by the Department of Zoology and Environment Sciences

Apply for MSc in Environmental Science

It has been well recognized that environment issues such as resource diminution, global warming and ozone depletion, acid rain, pollution and the loss of biodiversity are not merely national issues but are those of global concern. Environmental Science encompassing a plethora of sub disciplines which include those from the natural and social sciences, seeks to provide an integrated, quantitative and  interdisciplinary  approach to understand and address these pressing environmental problems. Hence, the need for trained environmental scientists has been driven primarily by the necessity to design multi-disciplinary approaches to analyze complex environmental issues owing to unplanned and unsustainable development, and formulate substantive environmental laws that require specific environmental protocols for monitoring and mitigating impacts, and the increasing pressure from the general public to provide a safe environment.


The aims of this programme are;

  • to enhance the capacity of graduates in terms of knowledge and research skills.
  • to provide a post-graduate qualification required for higher degrees and for employment.
  • to produce persons with an expertise in Environment Science required for the world of work.
  • to increase the employment opportunities in the Environment Science and related disciplines.
  • to generate skilled human resources, thereby facilitating the mitigation and monitoring of environmental issues.

For whom

Graduates who are expecting to pursue M. Phil/Ph.D. studies in a related field.
Research officers/scientists, extension officers, and educators in public and private institutions.
Qualified entrepreneurs and enthusiast with an interest in the field.

Course delivery method

With optional course for field workshops and laboratory exposure
Friday 4 to 6 pm and Saturday


A bachelor’s degree in Biological Science or any other relevant field, obtained from a UGC recognized university or Equivalent qualification/s acceptable to the Senate of the University of Colombo. The students will be selected based on the formal qualifications and through an interview.

Application for 2025 Intake

  • Application is open from First week of February
  • Commencement date: July 2025

Course Fees

Local students: LKR 350,000/-

International students: USD 4000/=

Programme Structure

The course structure is designed according to the guidelines issued by the Quality Assurance and Accreditation Council of the University Grants Commission, Sri Lanka, to fulfil criteria of MSc programmes. The MSc in Environmental Science offered by the Department of Zoology and Environment Sciences, University of Colombo consists of Part I, Part II and Part III, which corresponds to Levels 8, 9 and 10 in that order.

Part I - Postgraduate Diploma in Environmental Science (SLQF 8)

This component is equivalent to 25 Credits and runs over a duration of one year (two semesters). Two optional credits will be offered. The examinations will be held at the end of each course. The theory components will be offered entirely online, whereas students would have the option of learning the practical / field components through an online or conventional mode. It is mandatory that students should fulfill the requirements of Part I (GPA 2.7 or greater) to proceed to Part II. Students who fail to obtain a GPA of 3.0 but maintain a GPA of not less than 2.7 in Part I, will be eligible 1 for the award of the Postgraduate Diploma (PG Dip.) in Environmental Science, upon request.

Part II - MSc in Environmental Sciences (SLQF 9)

This component will include an independent study of 5 Credits addressing current environmental issues and run over a duration of four months. The stipulated deliverables will be evaluated throughout its duration. The students who successfully complete Part II with a minimum GPA 3.0 will be eligible* for the award of the Degree of Master of Science in Environmental Science unless they wish to Proceed to Part III. Students who wish to proceed to Part III, can do so only if he/she has obtained a minimum GPA of 3.00 for Part II. A fallback option (to obtain the PG Dip.) is available for students who do not successfully complete Part II.

Part III - MSc (Research) in Environment Science (SQLF 10)

This component primarily includes a research project, with some theory courses. The project could be carried out within or outside the university (with prior approval from the Higher Degrees Committee), under the guidance of a supervisor from within the Faculty of Science. Students who obtain a GPA of 3.00 or above for Part III will be eligible* for the award of the degree of Master of Science (Research) in Environmental Science. A student who fails to achieve a GPA of 3.00 or above for Part III will be eligible* 2 to be awarded the Degree of Master of Science.

Evaluation Criteria

In Parts I and II, each of the theory courses will be evaluated through a written examinations and assignments, as appropriate, whereas the practical components/independent study will be evaluated through assignments/ reports and other deliverables, and presentations. Part III will be evaluated through a dissertation, presentations and viva-voce examination. The minimum grade a student should achieve to pass a course is C.

Repeat examinations- The students will be permitted only once to sit for any of the repeat examination papers.

  • In addition to the GPA requirements, to be eligible for the award of the MSc (Res.)/ MSc / PG Dip. in Environmental Science, a student must have fulfilled all other general requirements as prescribed by the
    relevant By-Laws and Rules and Regulations of the University of Colombo.
  • In addition to the GPA requirements, to be eligible for the award of the MSc (Res.)/ MSc / PG Dip. in Environmental Science, a student must have fulfilled all other general requirements as prescribed by the
    relevant By-Laws and Rules and Regulations of the University of Colombo.

Course catalog

Further Information

Further information regarding the MSc Programme can be obtained by contacting the programme coordinator

Contact details of the programme coordinator are as follows.

Intake Name Email Phone No Mobile No
2023 Dr. Devanmini Halwatura 011 250 3399 071 811 3301
2022 Dr. Devanmini Halwatura 011 250 3399 071 811 3301
2022 Dr. Ayomi Witharana 011 250 3399 077 996 6930
2020 Dr. Ayomi Witharana 011 250 3399 077 996 6930