Guidelines for Abstract Submission
- Select which of the advertised conference tracks your presentation best fits into – please refer to the official conference webpage for track description
- Provide a suitable title for your manuscript.
- Each submission for the EasyChair should consist of an Abstract and Extended Abstract.
- You will receive your submission ID after uploading the paper to the EasyChair.
- Use the submission ID to email the Declaration Form to
- An abstract of between 250 to 300 words – this should include your objectives, methods or models, and results or conclusions as appropriate
- The manuscript should be free of errors and prepared in a single column, using single spaced text of Calibri 11 font throughout. One inch margin should be kept on all four sides of the page.
- Keywords : Include a maximum of six keywords (common and/or scientific)
Extended Abstract (3 to 4 pages)
- Layout – Manuscripts should be generally organized as follows.
- Title, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Methodology, Results and Discussion, Conclusions and Recommendations where relevant, Acknowledgements and References. However, exceptions are allowed depending on the subject area.
- Abstract : An abstract of between 250 to 300 words
- Keywords : Include a maximum of six keywords (common and/or scientific)
- Introduction: This should introduce the overall research emphasizing its importance along with a brief review of research in a related context. The objectives of the study should also be clearly stated.
- Methodology : This section should describe the established methods used with appropriate references while proposed novel methods should be emphasized along with their limitations. Where necessary, information on ethical clearance should be revealed.
- Results and Discussion: Results should be concisely and logically presented.
- Conclusion: A brief conclusion which is aligned with the objectives of the study should be clearly presented. (No references needed)
- References : When research work of other authors when used or referred to or cited, correctly acknowledge in the text and in the References following APA style.
- Tables and Figures must be clear and should be chronologically numbered and referenced.