Offered by the Department of Chemistry
Chemistry is the foundation for all other sciences. It embraces the areas of medicine, engineering, agriculture, environment, biotechnology and nanotechnology. The beauty of this subject lies in its applicability to all aspects of our lives. In recognizing the importance of chemistry, Sri Lankan education system has made it a key subject in the curriculum of the secondary level of science education. It is imperative that the teaching of chemistry be conducted in such a manner to lay a strong foundation on which the students’ future careers would be building upon. With the advancement of science & technology, the understanding of core concepts in chemistry has been made easier, enabling the learning of Chemistry interesting and rewarding.
This program is, therefore, designed to impart new approaches to teaching and learning chemistry, and to update the subject knowledge in both chemistry and science education. This course is of value to those who are currently working in the field of chemistry education in state or private sectors and for those seeking employment in the field of chemistry education.
Registration for 2025 intake
Duly completed application form together with a paying-in-voucher for Rs. 2500/- paid to the credit of the University of Colombo, account number 314024700009 at the Thimbirigasyaya Branch of the People’s Bank (payment can be made at any branch) should be submitted in person or sent under Registered cover to:
Assistant Registrar,
Academic and Publications,
University of Colombo,
Cumaratunga Munidasa Mawatha,
Colombo 03
Completed application forms should be submitted on or before (date to be determined).
Course Fees
MSc in Chemistry Education (Part I and Part II)
LKR 450,000/-
***Payable at the initial registration.
MSc (Research) in Chemistry Education
Only the students who successfully complete Parts I and II will be eligible to proceed to Part III (research project) leading to the M.Sc. (Res.) degree program. Students who wish to proceed to Part III should make an additional payment of Rs. 200,000/- (subject to change) at the time of enrolment for Part III.
*Please note that fees paid are not refundable unless otherwise mentioned and can be subjected to revisions from time to time.
Application Fee: Rs. 2,500/-
***Please note that fees paid are not refundable and subject to revision from time to time.
- Call for Applications: 1st March 2025
- Closing date of Applications: 1 st April 2025
- Tentative date of commencement: July 2025

Course Aims
- Reinforce and update the knowledge of chemistry
- Enhance the teaching skills and motivation by using modern methods of teaching, lecture demonstrations and laboratory experiments
- Introduce Information technology and molecular modeling in chemistry teaching
- Provide through teaching practice/presentation of lesson plans
- Develop the ability for research in education
Course Duration
Part I & Part II: 18 – 24 months
Part III: 1 year for a full time student. The duration for part-time students is longer, depending on the time they devote to research.
A candidate’s studentship will expire at the end of 48 months from the date of registration.
Examination structure
Course work including practical sessions are assessed using continuous assessments, written examinations, presentations, group work and viva voce examinations.
Part 2 in which the students undertake a research project under the guidance of an academic staff member will be evaluated based on a report submitted, a presentation and a viva voce examination.
PART 1: Postgraduate Diploma (26 credits) – SLQF 8
Students will be assessed both on continuous basis as well as by periodical tests based on the theory modules and laboratory work carried out during the program. There will be a written examination for most of the theory modules at the end of each semester. Candidates will be allowed to proceed to Part 2 when he/ she obtained a minimum GPA stipulated by the Faculty.
PART 2: M.Sc. by Course Work (05 credits) – SLQF 9
The report submitted by the candidate at the end of the Chemistry Education project will be evaluated. A viva voce examination will be held.
PART 3: M.Sc. by Research (30 credits) – SLQF 10
More information will be provided to the eligible candidates.
Course Modules
Part 1: Postgraduate Diploma (SLQF 8)
Course Code | Name | Credits |
MCE 5501 | Foundations of Science Education | 2C |
MCE 5502 | Technology Enabled Learning | 1C |
MCE 5503 | Methodology of Teaching and Learning Science | 1C |
MOC 5004 | Assessment and Evaluation Methods in Chemistry Education | 2C |
MCE 5505 | Research Methods in Chemistry Education | 2C |
MCE 5506 | Chemistry Education Seminar/Teaching Practice | 2C |
MCE 5507 | Lecture Demonstrations in Chemistry Education | 1C |
MCE 5508 | Chemistry Laboratory | 3C |
MCE 5509 | Chemical Calculations in Analytical Chemistry | 2C |
MCE 5510 | Chemical Bonding | 2C |
MCE 5511 | Organic Chemistry | 2C |
MCE 5512 | Modern Physical Chemistry | 3C |
MCE 5513 | Special Topics in Chemistry | 3C |
Part 2: MSc in Chemistry Education (course work) SLQF 9
Course Code | Name | Credits |
MCE 5514 | Chemistry Education Project | 5C |
Part 3: MSc in Chemistry Education (research) SLQF 10
Course Code | Name | Credits |
MCE 5515 | Scientific writing and Open access software | 12C |
MCE 5516 | Research Project in Chemistry/Chemistry Education | 18C |
Panel of Lecturers
Chemistry and Chemistry Education lectures are conducted by the academic staff members of the Department of Chemistry, University of Colombo and visiting lecturers from other universities with relevant teaching experience.
Educational concepts are taught by the academic staff members of the Faculty of Education, University of Colombo.
Further Information
For further information regarding the M.Sc. program in chemistry education, contact the program coordinator.
Contact details of the programme coordinator is as follows.
Intake | Coordinator | Phone No. | |
2023 | Dr. Gayathri Silva | | 0112503367 |