Welcome to the Department of Nuclear Science
Welcome to the Department of Nuclear Science at the University of Colombo. You will find information on this website about the present activities in the Department of Nuclear Science, including undergraduate and postgraduate programs, course offerings, research interests, facilities and special events. The Department of Nuclear Science, previously the Radioisotope Centre (RIC), presently located in the Faculty of Science was established in 1961 on the recommendation made by a preliminary assistance mission of the International Atomic Energy Agency. It was designed as a self supporting center with laboratory, library, and training facilities. The main aims of establishing the Centre were to provide training requirements and services in atomic energy activities, to provide advice required by other institutions and to carry out and assist in research and development using nuclear technology. University of Colombo was chosen as the most appropriate site as the Centre would have to collaborate with many other research institutions in the country. With the establishment of the Department priority was given to undergraduate teaching and research.
Department of Nuclear Science
University of Colombo
PO Box 1490
Colombo 00300
Sri Lanka
Phone : +94 011-215 8368
Email : office@nuclear.cmb.ac.lk
Reach Us
Dr. Jeyasingam Jeyasugiththan
Email : head@nuclear.cmb.ac.lk