Offered by the Department of Chemistry
With major discoveries in biochemistry and molecular biology, biotechnology has emerged as one of the fastest-growing and most sophisticated scientific disciplines in the world. Biotechnological applications of molecular biology underpin major industries in medicine and agriculture. Dissecting problems at the molecular level leads to a better understanding of the underlying process, leading to solutions that are effective at the root level. Insights gained from studying genetic material are already leading to new diagnostic tests, therapeutics, bioenergy production systems, improved crops, and, ultimately, improved lifestyles. Powerful molecular tools have made it possible to observe and manipulate the biomolecules and cellular/subcellular processes to make desired changes, leading to either the production of new substances, improvements in quality, or changes in biological pathways.
The proposed M.Sc. Degree in Molecular Biology & Biotechnology offered by the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of Colombo is a comprehensive course structured to equip students with the necessary knowledge and skills to become successful molecular biologists to advance their careers. This course is conducted with extensive collaboration with biotechnology industries and provides knowledge on how to develop a successful biotechnology start-up company, recognizing the high potential for growth of the biotechnology field in Sri Lanka.
Application for admission to the course will be entertained from candidates who have obtained a BSc degree from a recognized university with Biology/ Chemistry/ Pharmacy/ Biochemistry/ Biotechnology /Agriculture technology as a subject or any other equivalent qualification acceptable to the Senate of the University of Colombo. The candidates will be selected based on academic merits, examination and/or an interview.
Course Fees
- Application fee – Rs. 2,500/=
Part I and Part II* - LKR. 500,000/=
*to be paid at the initial registration.
Part III - LKR. 200,000/=
Only the students who successfully complete Parts I and II will be eligible to proceed to Part III (research project) leading to the MSc (Res.) degree program. Students who wish to proceed to Part III should make an additional payment of Rs. 200,000/= at the time of enrolment for Part III.

Registration for 2024 intake
Application and the brochure of the MSc programme – 2024 intake can be downloaded from the following link:
Tentative dates
- Call for Applications: 1st March 2025
- Closing date of Applications Extended: 1st April 2025
- Date of commencement: July 2025
How to apply
Duly completed application form together with a paying-in-voucher for Rs. 2500/- paid to the credit of the University of Colombo, account number 314025600007 at the Thimbirigasyaya Branch of the People’s Bank (payment can be made at any branch) should be submitted in person or sent under Registered cover to:
Assistant Registrar,
Academic and Publications,
University of Colombo,
94, Cumaratunga Munidasa Mawatha,
Colombo 03
Completed application forms should be submitted on or before 30th April 2024
Course Duration
Part I & part II: 18 – 24 months
Part III: 1 year for a full-time student. The duration for part-time students is longer, depending on the time they devote to research.
*A candidate’s studentship will expire at the end of 60 months from the date of registration.
Programme Structure
Course structure is designed according to the guidelines of the Assurance and Accreditation Council of the UGC, SL to fulfil criteria of M.Sc programs, SLQL 8, 9 & 10. M.Sc in Molecular Biology & Biotechnology program offered by the Department of Chemistry, UOC consists of Part I, Part II & Part III. Part I, Part II & Part III correspond to the levels of Postgraduate Diploma (25 credits), M.Sc with total of 30 credits & M.Sc with 60 credits respectively.
- SLQL 8 level – Part I
- SLQL 9 level – Part I & Part II
- SLQL 10 level – Part I, Part II & Part III
Mode of Learning
Part I consists of theory modules and practical modules. Lectures are conducted on Friday evenings (5–7 pm onsite or 7–9 pm online) and Saturdays (8 am to 12 noon) Practical modules are conducted on Saturdays 1-6 pm. The duration of part I is for two semesters (each having 20 weeks). Students who have achieved the minimum requirements in Part I will be allowed to proceed to Part II. This consists of a full-time guided study of 3-month duration. The duration for part-time students is longer, depending on the time they devote to research.
Course Evaluation
Part I
Theory module will be tested by a written examination at the end of each semester. Students will also be assessed both on a continuous basis as well as by periodical tests on the laboratory work carried out during the course. Candidates will be eligible to proceed to Part II when he/ she has obtained a minimum GPA of 2.50. A minimum GPA of 2.00 is required for the award of post-graduate diploma where applicable, and upon request, provided the student fulfills other requirements as prescribed by the By-Laws and Rules and Regulations of the University of Colombo.
Part II
The report addressing a biotechnology-related mini-project submitted by the candidate at the end of the study will be evaluated and an oral examination will be held. The candidate will be eligible to proceed to part III when she/he has obtained a minimum GPA of 3.00. A minimum GPA of 2.50 is required for part II for the award of M.Sc. by course work provided the student fulfills other requirements as prescribed by the By-Laws and Rules and Regulations of the University of Colombo.
Part III
The research dissertation submitted by the candidate at the end of the research project will be evaluated. Presentation and oral examination will be held on the submitted dissertation. A minimum GPA of 3.00 is required for the award of M.Sc. with research upon request, provided the student fulfills other requirements as prescribed by the By-Laws and Rules and Regulations of the University of Colombo.v
Course Modules
- Theory Modules:
MBT 5001 Advanced Biochemistry I
MBT 5002 Advanced Biochemistry II
MBT 5003 Gene Expression and Regulation
MBT 5004 Recombinant DNA Technology
MBT 5005 Bioinformatics
MBT 5006 Genomics and Proteomics
MBT 5007 Medical Biotechnology
MBT 5008 Industrial & Environmental Biotechnology
MBT 5009 Agricultural and Food Biotechnology Plant and animal biotechnology
MBT 5010 Nanobiotechnology
- Practical Modules:
MBT 5011 Laboratory Techniques in Molecular Biology & Biochemistry

Further Information
Further information regarding the MSc Program can be obtained by contacting the programme coordinator.
Contact details of the programme coordinators are as follows.
Prof. C. M. Hettiarachchi,
Course Coordinator,
Department of Chemistry,
University of Colombo.
Telephone: 0112503367 / 0714406264