First step to become industry ready for top Data Science job roles.
Module | Workshop dates | Application Deadline |
1. Introduction to Exploratory Data Analysis Using R | 16th, 21st, 28th, 30th May 2024 | 14th May 2024 |
2. Data Management | 4th, 6th ,11th, 13th, June 2024 | 3rd May 2024 |
3. Introduction to Statistical Models | 18th, 20th, 25th, 27th June 2024 | 17th June 2024 |
4. Introduction to Machine Learning | 2nd, 4th, 9th, 11th, 16th July 2024 | 1st July 2024 |
5. Data Visualization and Big Data | 18th, 23rd ,25th, 30th July 2024 | 17th July 2024 |
6. Python for Data Science | 1st, 6th, 8th, 13th August 2024 | 31st July 2024 |
Lecture Panel
- Dr. SD Viswakula
- Dr. RV Jayatillake
- Dr. GP Lakraj
- Dr. AA Sunethra
- Dr.D. Wickramarachchi
- Mr. Oshada Seneweera
- Dr. DSP Tissera
- Dr. KAD Deshani

Course Fees
LKR 10,000/= per module
LKR 54,000/= for all six modules (10% off)
Payment Details
>> Direct bank deposit
Bank: Commercial Bank of Ceylon PLC
Branch: Reid Avenue
Account name: Colombo Science and Technology Cell
Account No: 1116016487
(Payment can be made at any Commercial Bank branch).
Please write “EDS_2024" under the description section of the bank payment slip/online.
Please upload a scanned copy of the bank slip or the e-receipt in the registration form as proof of payment.
Registration form
Essentials of Data Science – Registration form -2024 – Google Forms
Course Details
Module 1: Introduction to Exploratory Data Analysis using R:
At the successful completion of the course student should be able to
- Write basic codes in R for simple data analysis.
- Define, calculate and interpret summary statistics and basic graphs to explore data.
- Perform hypothesis tests; mean, proportion, two population means and proportions, chi-square test of association, correlation.
- Introduction to programming in R: R-studio interface, syntax, entering data and accessing spreadsheet data, writing functions, installing and using libraries.
- Data types.
- Exploring data with summary statistics using R: Mean, median, variance, concept of bias, outliers, and missing values.
- Exploring data with basic statistical graphs using R: Scatter plot, histogram, pie chart, bar charts, multiple bar charts, box-plots etc.
- Introduction to distributions: Binomial, Normal
- Population vs Sample and sampling techniques
- Hypothesis testing
- The Course 1 would be evaluated based on a mini quiz.
Module 2: Data management
At the successful completion of the course student should be able to
- Prepare a dataset that can be used for analysis using R
- Define and apply basic concepts in database management
- Use SQL and NoSQL to perform simple queries to extract data.
- Data munging with R:
- Introduction to database concepts
- Introduction to SQL
- Introduction to NoSQL
The Course 2 would be evaluated based on a mini quiz.
Module 3: Introduction to Statistical models
At the successful completion of the course, student should be able to explain components of basic statistical models, identify and apply suitable models to analyze data.
- Introduction to statistical modeling
- Linear regression model
- Logistic regression model
- Clustering
- Dimension reduction (PCA, FA)
- Time series
The Course 3 would be evaluated based on a mini quiz.
Module 4: Introduction to Machine Learning
At the successful completion of the course, student should be able to apply basic machine learning algorithms to analyze data.
- Comparison of statistical models and machine learning algorithms
- Comparison of supervised learning vs unsupervised learning
- Cross-validation methods
- Unsupervised learning – Clustering
- Supervised learning – Classification and value prediction: Random forest
- Supervised learning – Neural networks
- Rule based analysis: Apriori, market basket analysis
The Course 4 would be evaluated based on a mini quiz.
Module 5: Special Topics: Data Visualization and Big Data
At the successful completion of the course, student should be able to apply data visualization concepts to describe data; define big data and discuss basic concepts in big data analytics.
- Data visualization process, do’s and don’ts, Annotations, plots: bubble plots, tree maps etc. using Power BI
- Big data and its applications/case studies
- Cloud computing and internet of things
- Distributed file systems and computing : HADOOP technologies
The Course 5 would be evaluated based on a mini quiz.
Module 6: Python for Data Science
At the successful completion of the course, student should be able to use Python programming language for basic data science applications.
- Introduction to python and Jupyter notebook
- Python Basics – Types, Expressions and Variables, String Operations
- Python programming Fundamentals – Conditions and Branching, Loops, Functions, Objects and Classes
- Python Data Structures – Lists, Tuples, Sets, and Dictionaries
- Data analysis, manipulation, and visualization in Python – Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn
- Machine learning and deep learning libraries – Sklearn, Tensorflow, Keras
The Course 6 would be evaluated based on a mini quiz.
Participation Certificate Awarding Criteria
A certificate will be issued upon successful completion of the course with ≥75% of attendance and a ≥50% score obtained on evaluation.
Capstone Project
The participants who successfully complete all six modules are eligible for a capstone project where a dataset will be given to analyze and meet some specific objectives. The participants who meet the minimum requirements (detailed instructions and requirements will be given) will be awarded a specialization certificate in essentials of data science.