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About the Career Guidance Unit

The Career Guidance Unit of the Faculty of Science (CGU/FOS) is one of the leading units in the University that caters the undergraduates with the essential aspects of career and personal development. With the active participation of a dedicated group of volunteers consisting of academic staff members, CGU/FOS assist students with plentiful opportunities for their personal and professional development. 

Amidst the new normal, the 2021 Academic year successfully facilitated more than 1000 students partnering with nearly 50 private and corporate sector establishments, alumni, and Human Resource Professionals. 

Why Career Guidance?

Today academic knowledge single-handedly does not suffice to grow and excel in professional and personal life. Therefore, career and personal development are essential aspects of undergraduate training.

It is important that our graduates not only be academically and technically sound, but also have the knowledge in other personality fronts. Thus, it is essential to develop transferable/life skills, attitudes, beliefs and behaviors of undergraduates that would eventually lead to both their professional and personal success.


Guiding and providing required resources to support career & life aspirations of undergraduates of the Faculty of Science.


To become a center of excellence to empower students with the required knowledge and experience to mould and fortify their professional, higher educational, career and life aspirations though a well-crafted series of events and programs.


  • Helping students to profile oneself and realize ones true potential within the realm of their personality.
  • Creating an environment where students identify personality developments in themselves in relations to professional expectations.
  • Introducing the students to the world of work and its dynamics.
  • Help the students transform ones academically strengthened knowledge to suit industry and academia.
  • Help develop a robust career/life plan for oneself and make the right decisions in life.

Message from the Founder Director

Prof. Preethi Udagama 
Department of Zoology and Environment Sciences 
University of Colombo

It is with much pleasure that I pen this brief message for the Faculty of Science, Career Guidance Unit (CGU) guide book, 2021.

Career-related learning is a process of learning, designed to help students to develop the knowledge, confidence and skills they need to make well-informed, relevant choices and plans for their future, so they can progress smoothly into further learning and work. In order to facilitate this education that complements academic and technical learning, a comprehensive programme comprising seven course units on Career and Personal Development (CPD) is offered under the umbrella of the Faculty’s CGU. 

Much hard work by many of our faculty’s academic community as well as friends and colleagues of industry, has gone into establishing and organizing the CGU to bring it to its present status – a fully-fledged, model CGU. Ten years of passionate commitment on my part is the least I could offer in order to give back to the system that made me who I am today…… 

Dear students, I sincerely wish you would have a very exciting and enjoyable three/ four years ahead. Then armed with all the knowledge, skills and correct attitude gained, to walk into society as humane, useful global citizens, to live your dreams! 

I wish the two Co-Directors, team of academics and the temporary staff of the CGU, the best in 2021!

Message from Co-directors

Prof. Dilushan R. Jayasundara
Department of Physics
University of Colombo

Universities play a crucial role to produce a human capital that is highly knowledgeable and skillful to meet the demand and expectations of the society and the country. Many think that advice on career development is needed only when students are trying to choose a career for the first time, or perhaps when they are going through a transition. And some think that career guidance is providing advice on how to choose a career. I am happy to note that we have changed this concept. The intent of career guidance is to provide support to individuals throughout their entire stay in the university and transform students into skillful professionals.

To stand out in this competitive world, students are required to hone many skills and abilities which actually is a part of lifelong learning. These skills will be helpful not just in university, but also in building a lucrative professional career. Our programmes are designed to enhance soft skills in students that include interpersonal skills, communication, teamwork and problem solving etc. Therefore, the curriculum offered at the CGU has been internationally recognized and we have been awarded many international awards especially for programmes such as “Service Learning”. The programmes being offered expand from the first year to the third and fourth years under three advance levels and we invite you all to get the maximum use of these programmes during your undergraduate life.

I wish you all a very happy and productive stay in the Faculty of Science!

Prof. Hasini Perera
Department of Chemistry
University of Colombo

It gives me great pleasure to pen this message to the guide book of Career Guidance Unit, Faculty of Science.

Today world is very competitive. Hence, academic knowledge alone does not enough to grow and excel in professional and personal life. High quality career education and career guidance is an essential part of undergraduate curriculum in preparing them for their future. The Career Guidance Unit, Faculty of Science offer several academic and enhancement courses for all four levels of undergraduate students to support and guide them to acquire the knowledge, information, skills, and experience necessary to identify their career options, and narrow them down to make career decision. I believe, this career decision will result in their social, financial and emotional well-being throughout.

The Career Guidance Unit starts career development journey of students at discovery level for level one students and take them through mastery level to professionalism at level three. During the journey students are offered with several career options, promote career counseling opportunities and career and personal development programs. This guide book provides students with clear and complete set of information about all the courses that we offer at all four levels. It will help them to decide which course/s should select to improve their career advancement skills to match with cooperate sector employer.

Good luck! Explore your potential and enjoy the discovery…