R for Data Science - A Crash Course
Data Science helps you to convert raw data into meaningful insights. The aim of this course is to introduce the data science techniques in R for any data science enthusiasts. This crash course will give you a good foundation in most of the important data science tools in R including essentials of the R programming techniques, exploratory data analysis, predictive modeling, supervised learning, unsupervised learning and Neural Networks using R.
Organizer: The Centre for Data Science, Faculty of Science, University of Colombo
Session 1 – Tuesday 23rd November 2021, 9am-12pm (IST)
- Essentials in R programming
- Exploratory Data Analysis in R
- Predictive modelling using R
- Multiple Linear Regression
- Logistic Regression
Session 2 – Tuesday 23rd November 2021, 1pm-4pm (IST)
- R for Supervised Learning
- R for Unsupervised Learning
- R for Neural Networks
Investment: Free
- R skills – No prior knowledge is needed
- Data Science skills – Basic level
--Registration is closed--
Resource Persons

Dr. JHDSP Tissera
Senior Lecturer
Department of Statistics, Faculty of Science
University of Colombo, Sri Lanka

Dr. SD Viswakula
Director-Center for Data Science
Senior Lecturer, Department of Statistics, Faculty of Science
University of Colombo, Sri Lanka