Mini-Symposium on Work Bench to Practice
Date & Time: 26th November 2021 at 10.00 AM - 1.00 PM (IST)
The mini-symposium entitled “Work Bench to Practice” is initiated to enlighten our students and young researchers on how they can go beyond basic research, and develop skills necessary to conduct translational and transformative research, that could help to solve the existing health issues, environmental challenges, and other major global concerns.
Although a significant number of research studies are being conducted regularly in Sri Lanka, only a few have reached the level of providing sustainable and practical solutions for our day-to-day problems. In such a context, applicable and transferable knowledge gathered as outcomes of basic research would be of paramount importance.
The symposium provides a unique platform to learn from the experts in the field, as an eminent panel of speakers will bring new insights, inspiring the audience to investigate innovative tools and methods, applications, new practices, and creative solutions to solve scientific problems. This will be an exceptional learning opportunity for the young researchers who are excited to offer sustainable solutions to formidable local and global challenges.

Session Chair
Prof Deepthi Wickramasinghe
Department of Zoology and Environment Science
Faculty of Science
University of Colombo

Moderated by
Dr. R D Guneratne
Department of Chemistry
University of Colombo (retired)
Sri Lanka
Invited Talks
Time: 10.15 am to 10.55 am
The Journey of the New T20 Cricket Jersey

Ms Sharika Senanayake
Director Environmental Sustainability
MAS Capital
Sri Lanka
Time: 10.55 am to 11.35 am
Geoscience and the Sustainable Development Goals

Prof. Michael G Petterson
Professor of Geology
School of Science
Auckland University of Technology
New Zealand
Time: 11.35 am to 12.15 pm
Dynamics of Host-pathogen Interaction in a ‘Coldspot’ of Chytridiomycosis Infection in Amphibians

Dr. Karthikeyan Vasudevan
Senior Principal Scientist
Laboratory for the Conservation of Endangered Species (LaCONES)
Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology
Time: 12.15 pm to 12.55 pm
The Journey from Bench to Market

Prof Ajith De Alwis
Senior Professor in Chemical and Process Engineering
University of Moratuwa
Sri Lanka