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Welcome to the Department of Chemistry

Welcome to the Department of Chemistry at University of Colombo. Established in 1921, the Department is the oldest chemistry department in the Sri Lankan University system.

The courses offered by the department provide depth in the traditional areas of chemistry and related fields. Both undergraduate and postgraduate programmes leading to BSc, BSc (Hons), MSc, MPhil and PhD degrees in Chemistry, Computational Chemistry, Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Biotechnology and Pharmacy are offered. Our faculty members are involved in teaching and research in diverse areas of the above fields. The department also provides structured and tailored services to industry and other institutions.

Department of Chemistry
University of Colombo
PO Box 1490
Colombo 00300
Sri Lanka

Phone : +94 011-250 3367
Email : office@chem.cmb.ac.lk
Reach Us

Prof. K M Nalin de Silva
Email :head@chem.cmb.ac.lk



Prof. K M Nalin de Silva

  • Water and gas purification
  • Smart textiles and apparel
  • Value addition to minerals
  • Anti-cancer natural compounds and their effective delivery using advanced materials
  • Biodegradable polymers
  • Smart materials through electrospining technology.

Prof. Dhammike Dissanayake

  • Study of mechanisms
  • Application of quantum mechanics to calculate molecular properties and reaction mechanisms
  • Sensor development

Prof. Samantha Weerasinghe

  • Molecular dynamics
  • Drug Discovery
  • Molecular docking
  • Stability of clusters in gas phase
  • structure and stability of proteins

Prof Ranil Dassanayake

  • Transgenic Technology (Dengue mosquito, Zebra fish)
  • filariasis
  • Cancers
  • Molecular diagnostics
  • protein expression & purification

Prof. Chamari Hettiarachchi

  • Plant Transgenics
  • abiotic & biotic stresses
  • Protein expression and purification
  • Screening of Natural products for antimicrobial
  • anticancer drug development
  • screening for endophytic fungi

Prof. W Rohini M de Silva

  • To remove heavy metals, toxic anions, hardness, and organic dyes as well as bio polutants from water.
  • To achieve targeted delivery of anticancer and other drugs.
  • To develop smart textiles via electrospining.
  • To develop hydrophobic, transparent and insulating coatings.
  • To develop photo catalyst to remove chemical toxins and bio toxins. Value addition to minerals.
  • To develop processes to convert illumanite to useful Titanium compounds. Polymer composites to reduce abrasion and increase heat conduction. Identify structural changes for the process of preparing Ayurvedic medicine called “kajjali".

Dr. Neranga I Abeyasinghe

  • Spectroscopy
  • Organic Photo voltaics
  • Nonlinear spectroscopy
  • Fluorescent sensing
  • Chromophore synthesis
  • Quantum-confined nano clusters
  • Computational Calculations
  • Plant extracts for disease therapy
  • Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS) of biomarkers

Dr. Hasini Rangika Perera

  • Development and analysis of ion selective electrodes
  • development and analysis of electroanalytical sensors
  • Corrosion inhibition – using coating, using particles

Dr. H Ireshika C De Silva

  • Synthesis of heterocyclic compounds with poetntial bilogical activities
  • Investigation of catalytic activity of plant extracts based nanoparticles in various organic reactions
  • Isolation of bioactive natural products from Sri Lankan herbal plants and their endophytic fungi, Value addition to natural products.

Prof. K R Ranjith Mahanama

  • Air quality
  • water quality
  • food characterization
  • investigation on adulterants
  • food composition
  • developing quality indices

Dr. Aashani Tillekaratne

  • Development of materials for drug delivery, bioimaging and sensory applications.
  • Studying surface chemistry and catalytic activity of developed materials.
  • Computational calculations of catalytic materials

Dr. M N Kaumal

  • Analytical method development and validation, Laboratory management, Electrochemistry, Analytical Instrumentation, paper-based device development, portable electrochemical sensor development.
  • Intellectual property management and technology transfer, Innovation commercialization, Chemical education.

Dr. Gayathri N Silva

  • Riboswitches
  • Cell culture
  • Functional analysis of proteins

Dr. S M Vithanarachchi

  • Luminescent Sensors and MRI contrast agents development and applications
  • Plant extract-based metal nano particles synthesis and applications
  • Biodegradable polymer development
Research Groups
  • Application of Analytical Methods in Quality Assurance
  • Biochemistry and Biotechnology
  • Developments and Applications of nano-materials
  • Electrochemistry and Photochemistry
  • Organic Synthesis and Natural products
  • Theoretical and Computational Chemistry
The department provides the following services to industry and other institutions through the centres/units established within the department.

The Center for Analytical Research and Development (CARD)

The Centre was established in 1980 as a collaborative project between the University of Colombo and the Trace Analysis Research Centre of Dalhousie University, and was funded by the Canadian International Development Agency. Chemical analysis of samples is carried out using GC, GC-MS, HPLC, NMR, UV-VIS spectroscopy, AAS, Electrochemical techniques etc. In general, the following types of samples are analyzed.
  • Water
  • Admixture
  • Soap
  • Coatings
  • Pigments
  • Cosmetics
  • Fertilizers
  • Pharmaceutical products
Samples extracted/derived from natural products In addition, consultancy services and contract research are undertaken by the CARD. Further details could be obtained from card@chem.cmb.ac.lk / Phone: 011-250 3367

Sri Lanka Pharmaceutical Laboratory (SLPL)

Sri Lanka Pharmaceutical Laboratory (SLPL) was established as a collaborative project between the University of Colombo, Ministry of Industry & Commerce and the Sri Lanka Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association in 2008. Facilities available to carry out the analysis of pharmaceutical samples include, FTIR, HPLC, UV-VIS spectroscopy, AAS, Fluorescence, Carl-Fisher and Dissolution apparatus. Further details could be obtained from slpl@chem.cmb.ac.lk / Phone: 011-250 3367

Biotech: Products & Services (BTechS)

Biotech: Products & Services (BTechS) commenced in 2009. The laboratory produces a range of molecular biology products and reagents for teaching and research. These products include;
  • Taq polymerase
  • DNA/RNA extraction kits
  • Restriction enzymes (EcoRI)
  • Tricol
  • Molecular size markers
In addition, consultancies, custom services and contract research in molecular biology, biochemistry and biotechnology are also undertaken. Further details could be obtained from ucmbbiotech@gmail.com / Phone: 011-250 3367 ext. 8251

Centre for Advanced Materials and Devices (CAMD)

Centre for Advanced Materials and Devices (CAMD) established in 2018 is a materials science research centre with state-of-the-art facilities. Analysis of samples is carried out using Powder X-ray diffraction and MPAES. In addition, consultancy services on advanced materials for industry and contract research in this area are undertaken. Further details could be obtained from kmnd@chem.cmb.ac.lk / Phone: 011-250 3054


Chemistry is often referred to as the “Central Science” as it stands between and significantly overlaps with mathematics, physics, and biology. Chemistry is an integral component of such applied sciences as pharmaceutical, biomedical, agricultural, environmental and material sciences. Students with a strong background in chemistry are at a significant advantage being able to work and apply their knowledge in these areas and a number of other related fields. In this context the Department of Chemistry has designed and offers a carefully planned syllabus to equip students with the required theoretical and practical knowledge. The department has 20 full-time Senior Faculty Members, 27 Temporary Assistant Lecturers & Demonstrators, 08Technical Officers, 02 Management Assistants 16 Lab Attendants and 01 Labourer.

Department of Chemistry

Academic Programs

Undergraduate Programs General Degree

The Department of Chemistry offers core and optional courses in chemistry for both physical science and biological science students. The core courses are designed to provide the foundation not only to further knowledge in chemistry but also in other related areas. The optional courses are designed to cover topics of general interest.

The department offers courses for three degree programs as given below. Course Syllabi

BSc Degree Program, 03-year duration:
Students have the opportunity of following courses in chemistry and at least two other subjects from physics, mathematics, statistics, zoology, plant sciences, nuclear science and computer science.

BSc Honours Degree Program, 04-year duration (Academic Orientation):

Areas of specialization are;

  • Chemistry
  • Computational Chemistry
  • Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
  • Pharmacy (in collaboration with the Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo)

The programme provides an in-depth knowledge in the area of specialization and is designed to provide the knowledge required for further studies and employment.

BSc Honours Degree Program, 04-year duration (Industrial Orientation):
Students have the opportunity of specializing in the areas of;

  • Molecular Biology & Biotechnology

The programme is designed to cater to students who wish to find employment in industry.

MSc and Postgraduate Diploma Programs

The Department of Chemistry conducts three MSc/ Postgraduate Diploma programs.

  • The MSc/ Postgraduate Diploma Program in Analytical Chemistry. The programme was initiated in 1975 and is the oldest and longest running M.Sc. program in the country. Currently the annually intake is 40.
  • The MSc/ Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Organic Chemistry. The programme commenced in April 2006. The annual intake for this programme is 20.
  • The MSc/ Postgraduate diploma in Chemistry Education. The programme commenced in June 2007. The annual intake at present is 20.

MPhil / PhD Programs

The Department of Chemistry enrols students to pursue MPhil and PhD programs under the supervision of senior faculty members of the department. The number of students in these programs varies and depends on the availability of research grants and the facilities in the department.

Research and Services

Centre for Analytical Research and Development (CARD) was established in the department in collaboration with Dalhousie University, Canada in 1980. CARD is a central body that provides analytical services/ training/ consultancies to the industry and institutions in Sri Lanka. In addition, the lab also conducts contract research in analytical chemistry and related areas. This has undoubtedly contributed to the requirements of both the private and the public sectors of the country.

Sri Lanka Pharmaceutical Laboratory (SLPL) was established as a collaborative project between the University of Colombo, Ministry of Industry & Commerce and the Sri Lanka Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association in 2008. The laboratory provides services to industry and assists in research work carried out in the Faculty. 

Biotech: Products & Services (BTechS) which commenced in 2009 produces a range of molecular biology products and reagents for teaching and research. Consultancies, custom services and contract research in molecular biology and biochemistry are also undertaken by the laboratory.

Centre for Advanced Materials and Devices (CAMD) established in 2018 is a materials science research centre with state-of-the-art facilities. The work focusses on research and development of novel materials and technologies.  The centre also provides consultancy services to industry and other research institutions.

Extension Courses

The department conducts specialized courses/workshops to cater to the individual needs of industrial organizations and research institutes. These workshops are conducted as and when requested.

Academic Staff
Teaching Assistance
PG Students
Other Staff