Other Courses
Offered by the Career Guidance Unit
MS 4014 Industrial Training(6 Credits) - (180P)
This course provides real-life industrial working experience, making the students more aware of the needs and expectations of industry as well as making them more employment ready. Further, the training enables students to develop their soft skills.
Intended Learning Outcomes
At the end of the training period students will be able to:
- Improve their knowledge and skills relevant to the area of study/ training.
- Integrate classroom theories, concepts and knowledge with workplace practice.
- Develop critical reasoning and independent learning.
- Appreciate the ethical basis of professional practice in industry.
- Explore options in career plans and goals.
Method/s of Evaluation
Continuous Assessment – 40%
End of semester presentation – 60%
MS 4015 Industry Research Project (6 Credits) - (180P)
This course provides opportunities for the students to Master the fundamental principles of management, economics and accounting and gain experience in the world outside the classroom.
Intended Learning Outcomes
At the end of the research project students will be able to
- Plan and conduct an independent project within an industrial setting.
- Provide In–depth technical competence in modern research technologies.
- Develop critical reasoning, problem solving skills and independent learning.
- Analyze and evaluate the final results and present a detailed written thesis.
Method/s of Evaluation
Mid-semester research progress presentation – 20%
End of year evaluation of project thesis -50%
Viva voce – 30%
Industrial Training Guidelines
This training provides our students the opportunity to apply academic knowledge and skills in diverse corporate settings, while earning academic credits. Internship training was first introduced to the curriculum of the Faculty during the academic year 2008/2009. This training is also expected to equip the undergraduate with knowledge, skills, attitudes and mind set required to render her/him more employable as a graduate. Under this programme the interns are expected to undergo full time, structured on-the-job training in a variety of areas of their choice i.e. finance, management, HR, production, development, marketing, IT etc.
This training, which is of 6 months duration, carries a weight of 12 academic credits (i.e. if a student scores an ‘A’ grade for the training, he/she will be allocated 12 ‘A’s) out of the 30 credits he/she has to complete for the final year of the degree program. Students must score these 12 credits under two evaluation criteria; industrial training (MS 4014) 6C and industrial research project (MS 4015) 6C.