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Project title

Rail safety awareness programme – Noor nagar to Eluwankulama 

Completed in


Project objectives

-To conduct an awareness program for the community to minimize railway accidents.

-To analyze the data on accidents and issues faced by the rail gate keeper to propose a better mechanism to prevent accidents which includes an automatic alarm system.

Corporate partner

Siam City Cement (Lanka) Limited

Project title

Earth Watchman 

Completed in


Project objectives

-To create awareness about adverse effects of losing trees and coastal pollution

-To conducting programs to enhance green cover (two million trees are to be planted district wise)

-To conducting beach cleanup programs

Corporate partner

Sri Lanka Rupavahini (TV) Corporation

Sri Lanka Cricket

Project title

Life saving project 

Completed in


Project objectives

To provide theoretical knowledge  and practical exposure in water Safety.

Corporate partner

South Asia Gateway Terminals (Pvt) Ltd 

Life Saving Association of Sri Lanka