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Study as an International Student

Why chose University of Colombo?

The University of Colombo is the highest ranked University in Sri Lanka, particularly with respect to its research output. The Faculty of Science offers a range of diverse and comprehensive postgraduate programs to pursue advanced studies in the science streams.

Departments of Study

These are the departments of study under which you could register for a research degree.


See if you are eligible by filing in the initial screening form

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Fees and Costs

First 3 years - $ 5,000 Each additional year - $ 1,000

Frequently Asked Questions


How do I get details on masters programs?

Most of the necessary details are provided within the description of each study program. Students should contact the coordinators of the programs to get any additional details.

How do I apply for masters programs?

Students who wish to apply to a MSc program should contact the coordinator of the program and inquire the dates on which the program will be advertised to accept new applications. Some MSc programs are conducted annually while others may conduct on alternate years. Details related to the submission procedure is generally available under each MSc program.

How do I apply for postgraduate research programs?

Students who wish to apply to a MPhil or PhD program should find an advisor who is willing to supervise in the specific area of interest. Financial support is available to full-time students either through research grants available to the supervisor or through the supporting institutions. Generally, financial support is not available to part-time students since they are employed.

How do I find a supervisor for postgraduate research programs?

Students can use the following links to contact a potential supervisor. In addition, students can browse the profiles of staff members given within the individual academic departments.

Where do I collect/submit my application?

All postgraduate candidates can collect the application forms by paying the prescribed applications fee to the Academic & Publications Branch of the University of Colombo. The duly completed application forms should be submitted to the Deans Office of the Faculty of Science, University of Colombo.

Where can I find information on the cost of postgraduate study?

For MSc programs, the total cost is given within the MSc study program pages. For MPhil and PhD programs, cost would vary depending on the research project which is often funded by the research grant. The administrative cost of the MPhil and PhD programs are given under financial information page.

Where can I find information on Scholarships?

Generally, scholarships are not available for MSc study programs. For MPhil and PhD programs, available scholarship opportunities (which is updated frequently) are listed under the scholarship page.

How do I get details on masters programs?

Most of the necessary details are provided within the description of each study program. Students should contact the coordinators of the programs to get any additional details.

Collaborative research projects

Memorandum of understanding (MOU)

Industries are encouraged to request for collaborative development of new technologies. Such requests will be accepted depending on the infrastructure and the expertise available at the time. An MOU will be signed before the commencement of the project between the client and Cell.

Identifying intellectual property opportunities

The basic aim of the maintaining intellectual property policies is to promote the progress of science and technology, to assure that discoveries and inventions are used to benefit the public, to provide appropriate royalty revenues to the Cell and the inventor, and to support University research and education through the use of invention-related income. The Cell will grant to the sponsor, the right to negotiate an exclusive or nonexclusive license, based upon the level of sponsor support. In the event of a technology transfer, a payment should be paid to the Cell in order to transfer the technology.


Payments are negotiable as both direct and indirect costs are involved in some of these projects. All projects will require an advance payment to commence the work. On successful completion of the project, the outcome will be handed over upon receipt of the full payment. A technology transfer fee will be levied when transferring the technology. This will vary depending on the level of support obtained from the sponsor for the work done.


All Faculty of Science consultancy work can be handled through the “Cell”, which promotes the University’s consultancy capabilities to external parties.

The following outline is intended as a quick and easy guide when undertaking University consultancy. Consultancy is defined as the contracting of staff for a fixed short length of time, to carry out a task, other than research and development, specified by a client. Consultancy contracts differ from research contracts in that there is no academic output, such as publications in refereed journals. Lecturing and ad hoc interaction with media is excluded from these consultancy services.


The following steps can be considered as guidance in undertaking a consultancy.

  • Fill out the “Application for permission to undertake consultancy” form by the staff member wishing to undertake the consultancy. This application should be approved by the Head of the Department and the Dean, Faculty of Science. Application for permission to undertake consultancy
  • Preparation of the budget by the staff member undertaking the consultancy prior to the commencement of the consultancy. The budget should be discussed with the Manager, “Cell”.
  • Once the contract has been signed with the client, work can commence.
  • The “Cell” should follow up on the progress of the work with the staff member undertaking the consultancy so as to ensure that the outcome of the project is delivered on time. Further, it is the responsibility of the “Cell” to obtain any advance payments from the client and/or the full payment from the client upon the completion of the consultancy.