Calling for abstracts - Postgraduate Research Symposium 2020
The Abstracts, Extended Abstracts, and a scanned copy of the Declaration Form should be emailed on or before the 30 September 2020 to the PG Sessions Committee member in your department.
- The Guidelines for Preparation and Submission of Abstracts and Extended Abstracts Postgraduate Sessions 2020
- The Format of the Declaration Form, Postgraduate Sessions 2020
Please find the more details are as below,

Guidelines for Preparation and Submission of Abstracts and Extended Abstracts Postgraduate Sessions 2020
1. Guidelines for preparation and submission of Abstracts
- The Abstract must report original research.
- The title should be brief and explain the study reported. Capital letters should be used only for the first letter in the first word of the title and proper nouns. The address of the Institution in which the work was carried out should be included. If the collaborators are from different Institutions, the addresses of the respective institutions should be included. Capital letters should be used only for the initials and first letters of the surnames of authors.
- The Abstract should not exceed 300 words.
- Standard abbreviations of SI units should be used.
- Restrict acknowledgements to funding sources.
- The Abstract should be sent both as a Word and a PDF document
2. Guidelines for submission of Extended Abstracts
- The Extended Abstract should not exceed 800 words.
- The text should include the following aspects: Background, Objectives, Methodology, Results and Discussion, and Conclusion.
- Tables and figures can be included if essential.
- Limit citations to critical references (maximum five) which should be given at the end of the Extended Abstract.
3. Important: Read the following carefully.
- The submitted Abstract should be related to Postgraduate work. A permanent academic staff member attached to the Faculty of Science, University of Colombo, is also permitted to present his/her research work even if no postgraduate students are involved.
- Each submitted Abstract must be accompanied by the Declaration Form duly completed and signed by all the authors. Considering the current pandemic situation, the use of e-signatures is allowed this year.
- At least one of the authors must be a permanent academic staff member of the Faculty of Science, University of Colombo.
- The Abstract and Declaration Form should be submitted by one of the authors who is a permanent member of the Faculty of Science, University of Colombo, to whom all correspondence will be addressed.
- The permanent academic staff member/s who bear authorship must take full responsibility for the submitted Abstract including for its presentation at the Annual Sessions 2020
Note: In the event that the presenter indicated in the Declaration Form is unable to present the paper at the stipulated sessions, it is the responsibility of the submitting author to withdraw the paper in advance OR to arrange for one of the other co-authors to present the paper. Not presenting a published abstract would result in penalization of all the authors.
In the case of a single author where he/she could not present the paper due to ill health or any other valid reason, the HDC of the Faculty of Science, University of Colombo must be notified.
4. Date of submission
Abstracts, Extended Abstracts and a scanned copy of the Declaration Form should be emailed on or before the 30 September 2020 to the PG Sessions Committee member in your department.
PG Sessions Committee
- Prof. Rohini de Silva (
- Dr Romaine Jayewardene (
- Dr Gayani Galhena (
- Dr Dilushan Jayasundara (
- Dr Iroja Caldera (
- Dr Jeyasingam Jeyasugiththan (
- Dr Rasika Jayatillake (
Format of the Declaration Form, Postgraduate Sessions 2020
Postgraduate Sessions 2020, Faculty of Science, University of Colombo
Declaration Form
1. Title of the abstract:
2. Names of authors (3):
3. Submitting author (must be a permanent academic staff member of the Faculty of Science, University of Colombo)
Contact No:
4. Name of the author who will present the Abstract:
I declare that this abstract report results of original research and that the work reported in the abstract has not been published or presented earlier and is not being considered for publication elsewhere.
(Please note that the same abstract cannot be sent elsewhere for consideration for publication until the Submitting Author is notified of the decision on the Abstract).
I am aware that if this Abstract is accepted but not presented at the PG Sessions 2020 of the Faculty of Science, University of Colombo, the authors will not be allowed to present an Abstract at the subsequent Annual Sessions of the University of Colombo for a period of 3 years.
Signature of the Submitting Author: