International Conference on Multidisciplinary Approaches in Science – 2021 (ICMAS - 2021)

The International Conference on Multidisciplinary Approaches in Science (ICMAS 2021), organized by the Faculty of Science, University of Colombo to commemorate the 100 years of excellence in Science was successfully held on 24th-26th November 2021 through the Zoom virtual platform. The conference held under the theme “Basic Sciences: Breaking down silos to foster cross-disciplinary research”, consisted of 6 main tracks covering areas of multidisciplinary research and over 190 papers from 17 countries were submitted to the conference. After the review process, 166 papers were approved and presented at the conference.
The inauguration ceremony was held on 24th November at the Auditorium of the Information and Learning Centre, Faculty of Science, University of Colombo with the participation of the Hon. minister of Education and the Leader of the house of Parliament, Mr. Dinesh Gunawardene as the chief guest and the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Colombo, Prof. Chandrika Wijeyaratne, the secretary to the ministry of mass media Mr. Jagath Wijeweera and the postmaster general of Sri Lanka Mr. Ranjith Ariyaratne and many distinguished guests. Parallel to the inauguration ceremony the centenary stamp and the first day cover of the Faculty of Science were also launched. Marking the conference inauguration, the conference proceedings and a special booklet containing the abstracts of invited talks were launched.
The keynote speech of the conference was proposed by Dr. Harsha Aturupane, Lead Economist, Education Global Relations, The World Bank on the title “Human Capital, Employment and Economic Development” which was followed by a panel discussion. The panelists were the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Colombo, Prof. Chandrika Wijeyaratne the Dean of the Faculty of Science, Prof. Upul Sonnadara , Prof. Preethi Udagama, Dr. Ruvan Weerasinghe and moderated by Dr. R D Gunaratne and coordinated by Dr. Iroja Caldera.
The three day conference consisted of 23 sessions held in parallel including a session with 17 talks from recent M.Phil and PhD graduates of the Faculty of Science on “Research Applications for National Development”. Over 40 invited speakers from 17 countries shared their research work through invited talks. There were symposia on Infectious Diseases Modelling, From Workbench to Practice, Quantum Computing and Applied Modeling & Simulation. There were 6 pre-conference workshops with the participation of national and international resource persons on 23rd and 24th November in virtual mode. The conference was attended by more than 300 participants.