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Douglas Amarasekera Bursaries For 1st Year Students

Applications are invited from 1st year students under the following criteria for above bursary.

  1.  Following Pure Mathematics as a subject in the faculty of science.
  2.  The family income divided by the number of dependent children and the parents should not exceed Rs. 5000/= per month.
  • Four 1st year students will be selected for the bursary.
  • Bursary amount: Rs. 1000/= per month
  • Payment frequency: Quarterly
  • Conditions for continuation of bursary:
  1. Will be continued for all 4 years if recipient follows a honors degree in mathematics and maintains a minimum ‘C’ grade for all pure mathematics courses.
  2. Will be terminated at the end of second year if the recipient does not follow a honors degree in mathematics. To obtain the bursary during first two years a minimum ‘C’ grade for all pure mathematics core courses will be necessary.
  3. If a recipient fails to obtain a minimum ‘C’ grade for all pure mathematics courses, the bursary will be terminated from the 2nd month following the release of the said results.
  4. The bursary will be terminated immediately if the recipient is found guilty of violating rules and regulations of the University.

Interested candidates are requested to submit their applications with academic records and Grama Niladari Certificate, to the Department of Mathematics office on or before 30.08.2024. Please send the electronic version of submission to

Head/ Department of Mathematics
