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To all users of the Library Network, University of Colombo - Obtaining No dues Certificate

Those who need to obtain a “No dues Certificate" from the Library shall make a request by email to the Senior Asst. Librarian / Reader Services Mr. M.A. Milton at giving the details (Course Reg. No. Full Name of the student as given to the university, Course name, and academic year).

Then Mr. Milton will issue an e- No dues certificate to the student, after checking the library records. A copy of this certificate will be mailed to the SAR/ exams and the Librarian.

Those who have any dues to the library will have to wait until the university is opened for the students for normal services. However, we will not charge any library fines for the non-returned books for the period starting from 14th March 2020 until the day the universities are reopened for normal services.
