UNESCO Projects related to youth and COVID-19
This message is sent on behalf of Mr Shigeru Aoyagi, Director, UNESCO Bangkok
UNESCO has been developing two projects related to youth and COVID-19.
The first project is called Youth As Researchers and provides opportunities for young people to conduct their own research. They will receive training from UNESCO Chairs at the National university of Ireland (Galway) and Penn State, and work in a small team supported by a mentor. The first stage of this project is for young people to define the research questions and UNESCO has released a survey to collect youth views to guide this. Attached a brief overview of the project.
The second stage, to be launched in the near future, is to recruit young people to be the researchers. As this will all be managed virtually, youth from your countries will be able to participate.
The survey is available in English and French (additional languages to follow) through the following links:
- (web) https://bangkok.unesco.org/content/call-youth-how-are-young-people-being-impacted-covid-19-pandemic
- (facebook) https://www.facebook.com/unescobangkok/photos/a.284288554916903/3277191682293227/
- (twitter) https://twitter.com/unescobangkok/status/1262252826714968066
The second project is part of the #MyCOVIDStory campaign and through UNESCO Bangkok’s partnership with binumi, we have been able to launch a video story telling campaign. Young people can make videos with their mobile phone and upload them onto UNESCOs channel on binumi.
- (binumi direct) https://zg8t9.app.goo.gl/Zw2i
- (UNESCO facebook) https://www.facebook.com/UNESCOyouth/posts/3050055511722933
Selected stories of youth from around the world will be featured on UNESCO’s channels.